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Like This How To Brighten Skin For All Ages

Having a bright and healthy skin becomes a woman's dream, regardless of age. Even though with age, skin elasticity and moisture will change. It is important to maintain healthy skin from an early age so that the skin remains healthy as well as bright even though age continues to occur. No need to be confused about skin care that must be done. You can start from simple things at home. Home treatment can be started by getting used to bathing regularly and limit the use of hot water when bathing or bathing too long, so that skin moisture is maintained. Then avoid using soap that can erode the oil content on the skin, that is soap containing irritants, because it will make the skin dry. Apart from these habits, there are other skin treatments that might be able to keep your skin bright and healthy all the time. The following are:
  • Moisturizing cream

  • Using a moisturizer every day is a way to deal with dry skin. It is recommended to choose a moisturizer that contains SPF so that the skin remains well protected. As for those who have dry skin problems, it is recommended to choose a moisturizer for dry skin that contains hyaluronic acid and dimethicone. Both of these ingredients are able to keep the skin well hydrated. Moisturizers made from petroleum jelly are also good for preventing dry skin, this ingredient contains oil which can reduce the loss of water on the skin, maintain skin moisture and help the skin's healing process. Petroleum jelly can also be used to treat chapped lips, or dry soles of the feet. Don't forget to apply a moisturizing cream to the skin every day, so that dry skin problems can be overcome. The use of moisturizing creams or lotions after bathing is also good for locking skin moisture.
  • Sunscreen

  • To maintain healthy skin, it is important to always use sunscreen. Because, sunscreen is able to protect the skin from direct sun exposure which can cause the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, and other problems such as skin cancer. When choosing a sunscreen product, it is recommended to choose a sunscreen that contains at least SPF 24. Also make sure the sunscreen used is able to protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet A and B.
  • Lightening Cream

  • Lightening cream or whitening lotion is a skin care product that is able to overcome the dark areas of the skin becomes brighter. This is because lightening cream products can reduce the production of melanin or color pigment on the skin. When choosing beauty products that can whiten the skin, it is important to pay attention to the content of the lightening cream used. Because some lightening creams may contain mercury which is harmful to health. If you try to use a whitening cream or lotion and redness, itching, bumps or skin rashes appear, stop using the product immediately. Some whitening agents can irritate the skin especially if you have sensitive skin. You can consult a doctor before using lightening cream products.
  • Exfoliation

  • To remove dead skin cells as well as dirt that clings and builds up on the skin, you need to do the peeling step. With this step, skin regeneration will naturally occur so that the skin looks brighter. To choose skin exfoliation products, it is recommended to choose beauty products that contain glycolic acid, alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA) and also beta acid. These three ingredients can increase skin regeneration and make skin look fresher, cleaner and healthier. Exfoliation products are good for bright skin, but for those who have sensitive skin, you need to be careful in choosing products. This product can run the risk of irritating and inflamed sensitive skin. If you have sensitive skin, you are advised to consult a doctor to choose the product and treatment that is suitable.
  • Vitamin

  • Vitamins contained in beauty products are usually able to brighten the skin. The content of vitamins and other substances that are suspected to brighten the skin include vitamin A, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, omega 3 and 6. Not only that, other ingredients that also have benefits for skin health include phytohormones, amino acids, vitamin B3, vitamin E, peptides and retinol. To get the benefits, it is recommended to use beauty products routinely and continuously in accordance with the manner indicated on the product or as directed by a doctor. Vitamins and other important substances can be obtained from the intake of healthy and nutritious foods, try to change your diet to be healthier so that you get good nutrition for the skin and body as well.
  • Stress Management

  • Excessive stress is not good for health. Not only bad for mental health, excessive stress and prolonged can also affect skin health. Stress that is not managed properly will cause high stress hormones so the skin becomes vulnerable to damage and dullness. Stress management is important for getting a happy heart and healthy skin.

Perform Treatment Early

Caring for the skin as early as possible must be done so that the skin looks bright and healthy. At the age of 20, the skin is still fairly spongy so there aren't too many problems with the skin. However, when the age of 30, other skin problems increasingly diverse. As the appearance of fine lines and skin pigmentation due to sun exposure and the process of skin regeneration that begins to decrease, the skin easily dries and looks scaly. This is what makes the skin look more dull than the previous age. Then, as you enter your 40s and 50s, skin problems can be related to hormonal changes. Reduced collagen production also influences the emergence of other skin problems such as dry skin and wrinkles that are increasingly visible, so a series of skin care is increasingly necessary. In addition to treating the skin from the outside, you also have to compensate by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Like getting used to eating healthy foods such as various types of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. In addition, also stop smoking and stress, because these two things can also trigger the appearance of problems in the skin such as dry skin, dull, facilitate skin aging, even skin discoloration. Take care of your skin by keeping it moist. You can try using a moisturizer made from petroleum jelly or other suitable ingredients, or try other beauty products that are good for the skin.


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